What makes Nationwide Utilities so unique?
Our team employs an authentically hands-on approach to business energy procurement and utility management services. Between our passionate energy industry experts and a highly experienced director, we're confident in our ability to negotiate the right tariff with the right supplier at the right time. If you're struggling with inaccurate billing to stabilising expenditure during times of intense market volatility, you can trust that our myriad of pioneering solutions and risk mitigation strategies can get your business back on track.
Transparency is key. We share market knowledge with our customers in the same way we do with each other. The Nationwide Utilities team boasts a diverse and multidisciplinary range of skills that allows us to recommend systematic solutions for every financial objective. Above all, we always strive to take accountability for the services we deliver to our customers.
How can you help reduce my business' energy costs?
When it comes to simplifying the complexities of energy supply procurement, we emphasise the importance of building long-term relationships with our customers for profitable and lasting results. This means sourcing bespoke energy contracts and managing your ongoing needs as opposed to simply sourcing a single cost-effective tariff. To improve your business' energy usage and efficiency to reduce unnecessary financial expenditure, we've devised a structured procedure that guarantees flexibility. With the greatest attention to detail and a sincere desire to improve your business' profitability and productivity, we'll always find a way to meet your every need.
✔ Conduct a comprehensive energy audit to evaluate your current energy usage and capacity.
✔ Execute a meticulous risk analysis.
✔ Benchmark consumption data against your competitors and validate bills to identify metering inaccuracies.
✔ Leverage long-standing relationships with the UK's largest energy supply companies to generate a variety of suitable contracts.
✔ Couple our findings with industry knowledge and state-of-the-art energy market technology.
✔ Recommend the most stress-free and streamlined range of solutions to allow you to make informed decisions.
✔ Perform ongoing energy and utility management for your business on your behalf.
Which energy suppliers do you recommend?
There's no one-size-fits-all option for any business. When examining your options, we take many variables into account. The ideal supplier must offer highly competitive, low-risk tariffs that ensure flexibility and can provide options to unlock new revenue streams for your business.
Established competency, excellent customer service and accurate billing services, and financial stability are a must. And, of course, a record of genuine corporate social responsibility by employing the most environmentally friendly practices. An emphasis on ethics, inclusivity, and trustworthiness are equally important. The ideal supplier never puts their needs ahead of their customers.
On a more technical level, we consider:
✔ How much energy your business consumes.
✔ The geographical location of your business site(s).
✔ Precisely when the question is asked to ensure an extremely low tariff.
How can I be sure you're better than my current energy broker?
As distinguished and established bespoke energy advisors and consultants, we recognise the extensive and nuanced needs of every customer. At the end of the day, it's our job to assess, review, understand, and recommend based on the information you've provided with humility, transparency, and respect for you and your business. Our goal is to equip you with all the information necessary to make an educated decision, but it's important that you also take a moment to reflect upon your current situation, too.
✔ How attentive and straightforward is your current broker?
✔ Are they always at the ready to offer expert advise?
✔ Do they exemplify excellent customer service?
✔ Have they been honest and forthright with your data thus far?
✔ How long have they worked in the industry?
✔ Can they provide immediate information about your contract and flexibility when you need it most?
✔ Are they up to date with the latest legislative changes?
✔ Can they offer reliable recommendations for your business to switch to the latest renewable resources?
✔ Have they implemented comprehensive and effective risk mitigation strategies for your business in the case of unforeseen circumstances?
✔ And, of course - do you truly that your business is safe and secure in their hands?
What technology does NU use to track, purchase, and monitor energy?
As a Nationwide Utilities client, you'll benefit from full access to Insights, our proprietary energy market monitoring and reporting software. Insights allows us to continuously examine your usage, set market triggers, evaluate trends, and ensure your costs remain within your predefined maximum and minimum targets. This means that when the market is at its lowest, we swiftly secure the most profitable and cost-effective contract on your behalf.
Combined with our existing knowledgeability and collective enthusiasm for the energy sector, our team is always confident in its ability to provide transparent and accurate results.